Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bummin' it (Dahnya)

Summer is officially here in the Mildred household: we finally made it to the beach! I was particularly excited because it would be Doakes' first time on the water. While he was not a fan of the water- he loved the sand. He kept dragging his belly all day while digging holes and (particularly amusing) chasing seagull shadows. 

Reading material & 55 SPF: hit me up rays!

Doakes is always camera ready. As is frowning Fran.

My favorite part of the day, came on our drive home. Sandy, damp and exhausted we were fueling ourselves with some reggeaton to try and make it home. Meanwhile, Sgt. Doakes was fighting a losing battle in the back:
Those albino eyelashes get me every time. Every time!

Bummed (and tuckered) out

His furry presence made Surfside infinitely sunnier. Maybe the waves will call him out to take a dip in the water next time...who's down?!


  1. Doakes looks SO HAPPY in that photo! I don't think I've seen a more content puppy. :)

  2. HAHAHA....I love how badly he wants to stay awake! So adorable :)

  3. Too cute! I loved the video of him trying to keep his eyes open! Makes me want a dog!
