Sunday, June 26, 2011

Year One (Dahnya)

As cliche as it sounds, it seems like just yesterday I was sniffling my way on a hotel bed with Heidi next to me attempting to put into words the depth of my love to Fran as she helped me write my vows. 

Thinking back to June 25th is a flood of happy memories. From Claudia's near dash to the car in the middle of the ceremony, to Mrs. G's detour to Bush Street in Katy, TX to the elation of walking into a happy, foggy crowd with my newly minted husband as Metallica blasted through our ears (thanks Roy): the entire day was spent on Cloud Nine. 


If you really want to hear the truth? Love truly is like wine, it only gets better with time. 

Yesterday the question arose between Fran & I: what do we do with our "marriage" blog- do we keep it? And my vote was a resounding yes. We may not have begun precisely a year ago but I feel this place is my "dear diary" where I can thumb through (or, scroll through) and remember just what we were up to a year ago (pre-Doakes!). Not to mention, it's fun to reread Fran's geeky Star Wars/LOTR references to...marriage, of all things.

Therefore, audience (whoever you are) I hope you're up for another year of us because in all likelihood Year Two will sneak up before we know it. 

So to future-reminiscing-Dahnya here is what you did to celebrate the first year: 

You were the terrible wife who took "paper year" literally and gave your husband a card. While he literally was a shoe-in (har, har)! Next year, I need to make up for this year's lackluster performance in the gift department.

Then we went back to where it all started: the gazebo! Where, funnily enough, a wedding party was modeling it up- tiaras and all. Except this wedding party was smart enough to carry a table loaded down with cold drinks and goodies. My apologies to our wedding peeps for not having thought of this last year.

The two of us plus one slobbery cutie on our summer picnic.

The best part? Sharing dinner with half of our family. Between the cards and calls, the 25th was a celebration of our family. Our mini-me pinatas are officially on reserve with the 5 year celebration deemed worthy of battering opportunity. So, CT, WA, TX, Mexico: save June 25, 2015. Who knows where Franya+Doakes will be at that point but, the festivities will be wild! Just think post-boda. But better.

And then, the best part of all: reliving our wedding day via the small screen sweetly accompanied by year old red velvet & mimosas. I had my doubts about aged cake but, I'm here to tell you: it was really good! 

Year two, you have big shoes to fill. No matter what, I'm eagerly awaiting the adventure.


  1. As crazy as it sounds, your wedding day was one of my best memories as well. (can't forget that lavender spray on the hotel beds that gave us the vow inspiration!)

    Your wedding day (plus the pre and post events) was so memorable - mostly due to the fun we all had celebrating you and Fran's love. Through thick and thin, you both were determined to get married and it turned out to be the most amazing day ever. I'm so glad to have celebrated that day along side both of you, and so glad you have celebrated occasions throughout the first year with you.

    And you were so right about the best part of married life: it gets better and better.

  2. Gosh I love the greatest Spanish tradition ever, POST-BODA the deux!

  3. Loving the shoes, the pictures, the piƱatas. How wonderful to be celebrating 1 year already!! Time flies doesn't it?

  4. I look forward to reading your continued marriage story! I must agree that marriage does get better with time!
