Sunday, December 5, 2010

Lumberjacks (Dahnya)

After impatiently waiting for Fran's finals to finish, we finally took the trip out to the Christmas Tree Farm to find our very first tree together. There were hayrides, wagons, hot cocoa, Santa Claus and tons of cheery spirits accompanying us on our hunt for the perfect tree. 

 The ride out to the field: I am imitating Fran's non-smiling demeanor in most of our pictures...the one time he is smiling.

Scouting & measuring.

Our very first tree: short and stout!


Carry (to the wagon).


Take home.

And, decorate with love. 

Our experience at the farm was such that we've decided that each year we will start the season with a saw, tree and gangster rap. A tradition has been born!


  1. Wow Pandi, que bueno que tu sueño se hizo realidad, que Papas tan nachos garnachos gachos que no te llevaron a cortar un arbol, somos ambientalistas Pandi aun nos quieres? Besos, abrazos, love.


  2. I don't know the guy driving the tractor wasn't too cheery if I remember correctly.

    But I second the tradition formation. The gangsta rap is a must.

  3. I can't wait to see her tomorrow! She is adorable, like a miniature pony!

  4. what a sweet tree and great tradition!

  5. The tree is beautiful. All you need is snow! Maybe next year we can all go together and get our tree in the winter wonderland of the northeast.
