Sunday, June 12, 2011

Two weeks in a row, and what (Francis)

Do you ever get in a slump where it is tough to even make yourself do the little things? Don't get me wrong I have been getting stuff done. But never the less it has been taking more cajoling than usual to get these things rolling. Maybe its the fact that I didn't do the requisite "senior-itis" at the end of my grad school tenure (isn't there normally one of those?) so I am making up for it now.

Regardless of the reason, I have even had trouble dragging myself out for things I generally enjoy like, going for a run in the morning with the dog. The other day I didn't want to go out in the studio because it was hot. I have two window ac units in there that just need to be stuck in the window.

In comes Dahnya, this is were it pays to be in a steady committed relationship. The other evening, after growing increasingly irritated with my contemptible and highly contagious lethargy she decided we were going to make pina coladas and watch a movie. This doesn't sound like a serious shift into activity but at the risk of shattering any small faith in my strength of character, believe me it was.

There you have it, if left to my own devices that evening would have consisted of a beer or two and some Netflix streaming cartoons with the dog bored at my feet. But instead I had some nearly virgin (damn Paula Dean recipe) pina coladas with the wife and possibly the worst movie I have seen in quite a while, Gamer. Not a bad evening honestly.

Okay so this movie, I don't know what I expected and I am more than a tiny bit ashamed we rented it. It was Redbox so our selection was limited at best and we have developed a mildly unhealthy obsession with Gerard Butler. An actor known for his Tony worthy performances in cinema greats like; 300, How to Train your Dragon, and that piece of shit with Jennifer Aniston that I couldn't make it through. The 13 year old girl inside me really does like P.S. I Love You though.

Back to Gamer! When this dance sequence happened I was literally at a loss for words. But Michael C. Hall, Dexter if you are gonna affect a somewhat indiscriminate "southern" accent you should probably maintain it the whole movie. Ludacris, you should stick to rapping you're good at that. Acting is apparently, "not something you can control." In any event the cinematography of this movie makes you question the sincerity of the folks who put it together.


  1. Ferris!! This is your best post yet.

    And, I am obviously rubbing off. Lazy days? Welcome to my world, love. You'll be back at it in no time, I'm sure!

  2. PS: Gamer. Worst movie ever (after Beowulf). Butler is a hit or miss. No gray area whatsoever!

  3. Thanks Sloane! And yes no gray with Mr. Butler but he does tend to lean more to the darker end of the spectrum.

  4. Can't type.... too distracted by the pina coladas.

    *writing grocery list now*
