Monday, January 17, 2011

Doakes & other millings (Dahnya)

Fran and I are into our first full week (and a handful of days) with our loveable beast, Doakes. 

It's amazing just how quickly he has wormed his way into our hearts and routine. I must be completely honest, of the two of us, Fran is a million times better with our little monster. Every morning, the alarm will wake Fran up to take Doakes out for a morning run and each evening, it's the two of them that gently nudge me into walking the neighborhood. Once the weather improves, I'm sure my disposition to these walks will be a bit sunnier...

Seeing as how when Doakes first arrived at Mildred we had a few poop issues, it has since gone away. He sits. He lies down. He goes into his cage. He paws. He hasn't chewed anything other than his rope toy. He truly is perfect! Well, minus the constant shedding...(I'm sure I'll be writing on this later). 

Doakes has even gotten better about meeting strangers. At first he was extremely shy and to be blunt, somewhat intimidating, but when he met Mama G & Genevieve this past weekend, none of those low growls came out. Fran and I think taking him out to the park to play with other dogs and their owners has really helped. Also, not handing him treats when growling at a family member may have helped...

What has been the hardest part about taking Doakes in?

Leaving him. Look at those sad little eyes! 

But, we had to this afternoon. Santo needed fixing and Franny had to model some grandpa sweaters for me.

Doesn't he look dashing?! I was unsuccessful in my "Francis Makeover" endeavor but, ladies and gentlemen, a huge feat was accomplished: the color salmon has been added into the gray/white/black world that is Fran's closet. 

And now back to Doakes doting and the TX Giampietro's newest obsession, Community.


  1. oh my oh my that picture just broke my heart in two

  2. that is the saddest photo i have ever seen! :(
    (doakes, not fran in the sweater)

  3. Aw, I'm so glad you guys got a dog! It is funny that now you can't imagine your lives without him!

  4. Thanks for the clarification Emily:) I need a hair cut.

    Santo is my truck it was named after my grandpa by Dahnya.
