Monday, January 3, 2011

Dim Sum (Francis)

This weekend I discovered that I had always wanted to stuff my face with Dim Sum on a Sunday with friends.

Dahnya and I went to hang out with our friends, Roy and Heidi, at their new house. We had food, alcohol, played slightly inebriated X Box Kinect and board games. Technology is amazing! After this it was super late we decided to crash there (it was 3am and a 45 min drive: don't judge their spare bed is awesome, shout out!). Sorry Nathan.

The next morning we decided travel to little China and have some Dim Sum. For those of you that aren't in the know (like us old married folk) Dim Sum is like Chinese brunch. They have all manner of little bite sized balls of heaven; noodles wrapped around fried bread morsels, pork stuffed steamed dumplings, shrimp stuffed dumplings, dumplings stuffed with angels tears, etc... I filled myself with all the food I could, went home and bummed the rest of the day away (can bummed be used as a verb?). Props to Roy and Heidi, love you guys!


  1. Extremely memorable: AWESOME homemade tamales.

    I think it's cool that you mentioned Royheid alongside with me. Great minds think alike!

  2. It was such a fun weekend with you guys, we had a blast!

    Fran, those pictures of the dim sum look so good- I'm definitely craving it again! I think the messier the table got, the more tasty the food was.

    Can't wait for our next culinary adventure: haute hamburgers and taco trucks await us!
