Monday, December 20, 2010

She sleeps, he tinkers (Francis)

Friday was Dahnya's official last day of class before the Christmas break. In honor of her new found freedom Dahnya came home and promptly fell asleep. So as my dear spouse slumbered away I decided to stay home and play in the studio.

As you may know from my last post (which was deemed not relevant to "our story") my friend Jack has moved into the studio with me. In light of this the two of us have decided to make some modifications to the studio to make it more awesome.

Jack mentioned that a lot of the wood we have was getting warped just leaning against the wall. So we decided to build a few shelves that would keep the wood flat. I wanted more room and was bored with the wifey sleeping so I decided to go ahead and build the shelf.

Here is the work table nook my table is on the left and Jack's is the soon to be filled one on the right. Also note the filing cabinet courtesy of UH.

Dahnya's need for excessive amounts of sleep is part of what works for us. I am overly self involved and always wanting to be working on stuff and she, well she sleeps a lot. This affords me that time to be productive and make stuff.

Here's to your strange hibernation patterns wifey!


  1. Looks great, my foot hole is still there I hope.

  2. I still have the piece of sheetrock! It may get repurposed as a wall for my friend Jeremy's small show he has coming up.

  3. Its sooooo much bigger with out that room there though. Can you get a sense of that from the photos?
