Sunday, September 26, 2010

Boogie Shoes (Dahnya)

A few weeks ago I coerced Fran into watching Step Up with me. After which an obsession was born. We were finally able to watch the sequel, Step Up 2 the Streets and let me assure you that the sequel is a thousand times better than the original. 

I know, it sounds crazy but it's true. Our original complaint with Step Up had been the god-awful dialogue. The sequel cuts lines and amplifies the dancing. My favorite scene in the movie is no more than a minute but it shows how the choreographers took a little bit from each genre of music to create the ultimate dance movie! With the end credits rolling, Fran and I turned to look at one another only to instantly dive for the DVD remote and proceed to watch the movie once more. 

Laugh all you want but the movies have sparked something in us. Those that know each of us individually know we are polar opposites. We enjoy spending time with one another because each one of us exposes the other to something we otherwise wouldn't have explored on our own. We can argue until the cows come home because we both have a completely different way of approaching any subject. Ultimately, there is an unexplainable innateness that draws us to one another and it's not something that we allow to sit on a shelf to gather dust. If I'm not looking, Fran is looking for some way to keep things fresh and new. 

After realizing how much we both love music, how much we both love dancing and just how little we know about coordinating our bodies to the rhythm of the music...we have decided to take dance classes. I am truly so excited! It's all I can think about now (well, aside from decorating Mildred). Saturday night Fran and I were on the dance floor at a friend's wedding and all we could talk about (other than reminiscing about our wedding day) was how awesome it would be if we could bust into actual moves instead of our "grocery cart", "sprinkler", and my signature hand up in the air with pout (if you've seen me dance, you know exactly what I'm talking about)...all this because of SU2S. 

Wedding epiphany moment: Fred and Ginger (or, realistically Chase & Andie) here's looking to you! 


  1. 1. GREAT idea! what kind of dance classes are you going to take? hip hop? salsa?

    2. what a sweet hubby, kudos to you Fran - major brownie points!

    3. HAHAHAHA. I cannot believe you are so aware of how you look when dancing... but you had the most perfect description!

  2. 1. We're looking at Leisure Learning but I found a studio that specializes in hip hop 5 minutes from Mildred! Geography wins.

    2. I've seen too many pictures to not realize it. It's hard to NOT do. Even if I look a fool...*sigh*

  3. That description was mine! But yeah, dance flicks all the way. I'm gonna be doing head spins before you know it!

  4. Sweet! Dancing is so fun! Apparently there are Zumba DVD's out there and they are apparently fun, just FYI!
