Monday, January 9, 2012

nye: 2012

Confession: Fran and I almost missed the first minute of the new year because we were too busy watching Modern Family season 2. If this does not classify as old married couple, I'm not quite sure what else will.

However, it is not a true new year's eve without sparklers! 

Or twelve candles for the twelve months.

Put it all together & you have a table of essentials: twelve grapes, resolutions, sparklers, candles & champagne

In case you are interested to start a new (and fun) tradition, I highly recommend our teeny bonfire. Your hopes & thoughts for the new year are written on scraps of paper & then shared before being put into the bowl. They're to be lit before the new year so that the ashes may rise. Fun but potentially hazardous to your home...we had a hard time dousing our bowl. Which then led to our scraps drowning in water thanks to Fran's overzealous fireman attempts.

All this followed by...sparklers!

After hurriedly putting out a fire, downing grapes & playing with sparklers we came back in to finish bringing in 2012 with Mitchell & Cameron

The day after shone bright with the possibilities of all our resolutions...

which we promptly broke by over-indulging in some creamy jalapeno.

So, 2012 the Mildred household is ready for you! The unknown is a bit scary but the potentials that are in store have me, Fran and Doakes eagerly plotting. Bring it. Please!


  1. Sounds like a lovely NYE! I think resolutions aren't meant to be strict rules. It's good to break them sometimes. :)

  2. I vote for a Modern Family viewing night at Mildred!!!
